Welcome to the Kiwi Nest

Brightkiwi.nz is Scottie’s personal spot on the web where they show off their cool LED lighting projects. It’s like a digital showcase where you can dive into what they’ve been up to with LEDs, making things brighter and cooler. But it’s not just about showing off. Scottie’s also in the process of setting up a bit of a shop here, where you’ll eventually be able to grab some DIY lighting gear if you’re keen on trying your hand at creating your own light-up masterpieces. This shop side of things is still a work in progress, but it’s shaping up to be a handy spot to pick up some gear to start your own lighting adventure. Whether you’re just there to check out Scottie’s latest project or you’re in the market for some DIY stuff down the line, Brightkiwi.nz has got a bit of everything for lighting fans, with more on the way.